Chris Stretton: Guest speaker at the Club dinner meeting February 5th.
Chris served in the UK Royal Air Force Police for over 25 years.
After leaving the military he was appointed as the Director of Security of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), an agency of the United Nations.
Chris´s security team, in 2013, removed over a thousand tons of chemical weapons from Syria.
For this achievement, the team received the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize, that allowed them to be designated Nobel Laureates.
Seen above is Chris with Club President Bill Browne. Also shown is Chris holding his Nobel Peace Awards.
A Club meeting with interesting suggestions
The Club meeting of January 22nd was a members only business meeting which included the AGM's of AIRC and the Association. These two events will be reported on by the Club Secretary.
An interesting part of the meeting was the informal open discussion held during dinner. Some subjects that arose were:
Communication: The President and Board are making every effort to keep members up to date on Club affairs. It was pointed out that the best way to be informed is to join in Club meetings.
Attracting Younger Members: A suggestion was made that AIRC could foster an associate club to attract the around 30 year olds who have ideas and want action. Such a club could join and participate in AIRC activities, but by not being an official Rotary Club, would not be burdened by rules, fees and dinner expenses. For the young, setting up their lives, this could be attractive.
The 2nd Monthly Meeting: A suggestion was made that this meeting could be a mid-day meeting linked to interesting excursions. An example being to organise a visit to a place of interest, followed by a lunch meeting at a nearby restaurant.
The 1st monthly meeting, with guest speaker, to continue as an evening meeting in the Conrad.
All interesting stuff. The outcome ...Watch This Space?
January 8th Dinner meeting  -  Lazer Telecom presentation
Our guest speaker was Des Wynne, since June 2021, CEO of Lazer Telecom . The company's main business is providing Basic fibre internet and AirFibre internet, the latter being a new wireless technology for specfic rural areas of the Algarve.
Lazer, servicing the Algarve, was founded 36 years ago and ownership changed just before Des became CEO.
We were interested to learn that in Portugal 94% of homes have the ability to access high speed (40 Mbps+) internet.
We also learnt about Digital Nomads, with 16,000 registered in Lisbon.
Des also gave us an insight into how Lazer is actively helping in the Algarve community.
December 18th was the AIRC Xmas Dinner
Wednesday was a great friendship night.
After a welcome by President Bill, there was a Xmas message from Padre Jorge.
The food that followed was great with fantastic wines. All up to the standard that we always experience with the Figueiral Almancil restaurant.
There was music from a guitarist with the opportunity to join together in some of the songs.
Christmas poems were recited by some club members and one member gave scientic information to enlighten us about Rudolf the red nosed reindeer. 
For additional photos, click below.
Collaboration between AIRC, Nobel School and ASCA
On the 14th December the Nobel School Almancil were helped by the ASCA van to distribute shoe boxes of presents to old people in the area.
Above is a photo taken in the Sao Laurenco home. The people were very happy and said a big thank you to AIRC and the Noble School.
Club Members are informed about Opportunity International.
The guest speaker for our Wednesday 4th December meeting was Robert Goldspink, retired Managing Partner of Morgan Lewis, London. Robert is now a director of several enterprises, one of which is Opportunity International.
Opportunity international was started 50 years ago by 2 men and has the mission to provide financial solutions and training to empower people living in poverty to transform their lives, their children's futures and their communities.
They have released $2.7B in capital and reached 1.6M children and 157K farmers.
Sub Saharan poor, especially wives have benefited.
AIRC Assists Banco Alimenta (the food bank)
On Sunday 1st December, members of the Cub helped Banco Alimenta, The Food Bank, with the collection of groceries donated by shoppers in the Almancil Apolonia supermarket.
It was a successful day with 10 trolley loads of goods beng collected.
The food will be distributed to people/families in need throughout the Algarve.
Banco Alimentar with the help of 151 institutions/charities (AIRC being one), reaches out to over 27,000 benificiaries in the Algarve-
AIRC Golf Tournament Sunday 24th November
56 players participated in the 7th edition of our annual tournament on the Old Course in Vilamoura.
Conditions were near perfect with the challenge highlighted by a fresh wind making club selection a crucial part of some holes. The course itself was in excellent shape thanks to the attention of the groundstaff. Golf pros Vitor Lopes & Ricardo Costa were on hand to demonstrate to mere mortals how to drive a ball & play par 3 holes.
After play concluded we enjoyed a delicious buffet prepared by the club kitchen & served by a very amiable restaurant staff. A very convivial atmosphere ran throughout the whole experience.
The winning team scored 99 points and comprised David Warnoch, Ian Hepworth, Paul Hanbury & Colin Gleenon.
After the prize presentation, there was a lively auction of some fabulous gifts from our very generous sponsors, with great generosity also shown by AIRC club members. 
The event raised close to 8,000 Euros.
For additional photos of the event, click below.
The Club learns more about Alzheimers in the Algarve
At the dinner meeting 20th November our guest speaker was Kelly Dugmore (pictured left), the CEO and founder of Algarve Care Services.
Kelly established ACS in 2017. The business offers a range of packages to help people remain safely and confidently in their own home for as long as possible.
Kelly, an experienced healthcare operator, encountered first hand the difficulties faced by her Nan and Dad who both developed Alzheimers. This eventually led her to set up the Algarve operation with the Mission: To rid the stigma that surrounds Dementia and help people to feel safe and accepted in their community.
She enlightened members present by explaining dementia and describing ways to make life more acceptable.
In the Algarve, help can be received from the Alzheimer Association, Memory Lane (started by Kelly) and her Algarve Care Services (
Banco Alimentar in the Algarve
The Club's Wednesday 6th November meeting had an informative presentation by Banco Alimentar Algarve President, Nuno Cabrita Alves and Michael Ferrada.
Nuno (on the left) told us how Banco Alimentar, as the food bank against hunger in the Algarve, continues with the recovery of food surpluses as part of the fight against food waste to make them reach needy people/families through partner institutions.
Throughout the Algarve they are supported by 151 institutions/charities and reach 27,193 beneficiaries.
AIRC Student Summercamp Presentation
This year six students, sponsored by our club, went to summercamps to various countries in Europe.
On Tuesday 5th November, at the Laura Ayes School, they gave a Powerpoint presentation of their time there and the fantastic experience/knowledge gained. The friends they made from different nations have broadened their outlook on life.
Thank you Volker and team for organising this valuable Club Project.
Saturday Night Fever
On Saturday November 2nd November, AIRC hosted an unforgettable Disco at Bafa de Baco, Loule.
With DJ Rockindad spinning classic hits from the '70s, Bafo de Baco was transformed into a glittering dance floor.
For more pictures and information, go to News & Updates, Recent events.
A Great BBQ at the President's home
On Sunday October 6th, many Club Members and some friends came together at Bill and Kathleen's home for the Club BBQ.
The weather was good and the food and wine excellent.
Thanks to BBQ chef Stephen Mackenzie we all enjoyed our chicken drumsticks, sausages and a very  tender steak. Desserts followed.
For more pictures go to News & Udates, Recent events.
At the Club meeting October 2nd we were able to welcome our new member, Elke Drabert (on the left) into the Club.
Our Guest speaker for the evening was Selma Ferreira.
She had the member's attention as her presentation was:  The Trap of Happiness
She covered and explained the various aspects of our lives that contribute to our happiness.
Pictured above, from the left are: Past President Uschi Kuhn, Team Leader Klaus Ukens, Dr. Jorge Palma and Club President Bill Browne.
Our Club meeting of 28th August acknowledged the success of the Club"s seahorse project.
Dr. Jorge Palma, a renowned biologist from Algarve University joined the meeting and updated us on progress being made to save seahorses in the Ria Formosa. The results are positive.
Klaus Ukens, the project manager, played a pivotal role in coordinating efforts with various official bodies including municipal authorities, maritime police, CCMAR, ICNF, UALG and Biffy Dankwerts from Rotary South Africa.
During the evening the seahorse team was honoured with a plague and medal for their efforts (photos above). The team, Klaus, Mo, John and Uschi. Also mentioned were the efforts of the teams late Alan Wallace. There was a special thank you to Uschi, who as Club President in 2021, started the project during the COVID19 period and with the help of Zoom meetings and an RI grant raised 50,000 Euros 
What we do
We are a small active local club, organising fundraising and social activities throughout the year where all members have the opportunity to volunteer and get involved.
We work with local businesses and other groups to deliver local and global community projects. We run events like charity BBQs, charity golf, Xmas specials and other fund raising events.
Working with the younger generation
We are involved with services helping the less fortunate.
We also spent time working with local schools to introduce community projects. To help, we also enlist our sponsored Rotary Interact club.
Dates to Remember (for details refer to the calendar/events above)
Paul Harris Award
At the Club meeting September 25th, A Paul Harris Award was given to Club Member Lou Theunissen.
The award was in recognition of his substantial contributions to Almancil charities.
Pictured here is Vice President Uschi Kuhn pinning the award on Lou.